Jutland & Distant Guns on GOG

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Jutland & Distant Guns on GOG

Post by Borodino »

Please consider putting Jutland and Distant Guns on Good Old Games https://www.gog.com/

There are many who can no longer enjoy these games because of problems with the Stormpowered client etc...etc.

I'll bet you will make a lot more money, and generate much more interest, with the games on GOG rather than decaying here.

I hope you consider it.
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Re: Jutland & Distant Guns on GOG

Post by Husky1993 »

Yes please! I would buy the whole series again.
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Re: Jutland & Distant Guns on GOG

Post by GoingDown »

It was always this that put me off buying it: having being able to play it rely on one server run by a tiny company.

From GOG - bought in a heart beat, but I am not holding my breath.
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Re: Jutland & Distant Guns on GOG

Post by SES Bear »

StormPowered's offline capability renders any game playable without a connection.

In the unlikely event Storm Eagle Studios ever ceases operation, final updates would be distributed to make any games purchased through StormPowered permanently offline capable.

If you've purchased games in the past (before or after StormPowered) and have had trouble recovering your original account, we would be more than happy to assist you at support.stormeaglestudios.com.

SES Bear
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Re: Jutland & Distant Guns on GOG

Post by Rolf74 »

I consider this game one of the best naval surface warfare sim together with Fighting Steel but because of its DRM system I hesitate to proceed with the purchase. I really know a lot of guys, as well as me too, interested in this great sim, ready to pay the very high price for this beautiful but at the same time old sim. I personally believe, it's very sad to see a so good developed software die. If you are so obsessed for piracy, please, consider the possibility to modify just a bit your DRM for example creating something as a CODEMATER stick, as well as the developers of Steel Beast Pro PE did. You buy and download the game, receive at home with postal service the stick, then the code via mail! It's a safe way to protect you developers rights... and probably a lot of hesitating people will buy your software. I'm very interested in the Divorce Pack, I'd already bought it but not under the current circumstances. Please save your wonderful game and make your costumers the life easier. Let the modders a chance too. The "stick" solution could be the right one for your safety as well as for hesitating buyers like me. I hope, you consider it.... best regards from Italy! Excuse for my English.
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Re: Jutland & Distant Guns on GOG

Post by Rolf74 »

Corrigendum: "codemeter" :)
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Re: Jutland & Distant Guns on GOG

Post by CaptainKoloth »

It is both hilarious and kind of sad how you guys insist on using your broken, forgotten platform rather than bringing these games to GOG or Steam where, you know, people might actually see them and buy some copies.
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Re: Jutland & Distant Guns on GOG

Post by GoingDown »

Well, it's a plus that questions about this are no longer marked as "mindless rant" and/or deleted, but yes, the DRM is the only reason I didn't buy this ten years ago; nine years ago; eight years ago; seven years ago; six...
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Re: Jutland & Distant Guns on GOG

Post by Saddletank »

Its a little funny how the anti-DRM thing goes on and on. And on. And on. People say they've held off buying the game. Well... I didn't. I bought DG:RJW when it game out and Jutland when it came out and that was long before Stormpowered even existed and I've had a decade and more fun playing them with never one single issue about getting the games to run other than the odd glitch here and there which was my fault, or my forgetfulness.

So really guys, just buy the games. They're superb. You're missing out on the best early 20th century naval games ever.
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